About Hej Hemby

Here you’ll find information about Hej Hemby as a project.

Our vision is to increase the number of new residents and create vibrant, cared for villages in Torne Valley, by getting more houses for sale on the open market.


About Hej Hemby

Hej Hemby is working to get more houses on the open market by supporting the real estate owners who want to sell. Torne Valley got a huge number of houses that are not being used and at the same time the number of people wanting to live on the Swedish countryside is increasing. Few houses are for sale on the open market, which makes it difficult for new residents to find an attractive place to live. The project acts as a bridge between the real estate agents, the open market, and the house owners. Hej Hemby can also help preparing a property for sale if there is a need for parcelling out a piece of land or intermediate between several owners.

For you who are looking to move to Torne Valley, Hej Hemby can help you find suitable houses on the open market, put you in touch with real estate agents in the area and connect you with employers or business developers if you want to start your own business.


Project background

Hej Hemby is a municipality cooperation project between Pajala and Övertorneå, supported financially by Region Norrbotten (Norrbotten County Council) and Sparbanken Nord. The project is a continuation of the pre-study Attractive housing market in rural areas, which was published in 2019.

The team consists of project managers from each municipality, a joint guide for new and potential residents, as well as a resource team, which includes private businesses within law, banking, real estate and construction that support the project with their expertise.

The project support and give advice to real estate owners who want to sell, as well as to those who are in the market to buy or build a house. The project also works with marketing to get more people to find Torne Valley and host information meetings. The team is available throughout the selling process, as well as the moving in-stage. For new residents, Hej Hemby can help you start up your business or find employment.